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What are the requirements for dimensional inspection of aluminum oxide plates?

  • Time:2024-01-19
  • Source:网络
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Aluminum oxide sheet is a new type of building material, which is widely used in the field of building decoration. In order to ensure the accuracy of its quality and size, it is necessary to carry out dimensional inspection during the production process. The following details the requirements for dimensional inspection of aluminum oxide plates.

1. Purpose of dimensional inspection

The purpose of dimensional inspection is to test whether the size of the aluminum oxide plate meets the design requirements. Determine whether the aluminum oxide sheet is qualified by checking whether the size meets the standards, specifications and drawing requirements. Once found unqualified, it is necessary to adjust the processing technology in time to ensure the production of qualified products.

Second, the method of size inspection

The dimensional inspection adopts two methods: manual measurement and plate detector.

1, manual measurement method: through the measuring ruler, caliper and other manual measuring tools to detect the aluminum oxide plate.

2, plate detector: plate detector is an automatic testing equipment, through the high-precision sensor to measure the aluminum oxide plate, can quickly and accurately get the size data.

3. Requirements for dimensional inspection

Dimensional inspection requirements are strict, inspectors need to master the measurement method, and to follow the following inspection requirements:

1, check the flatness:

Flatness is an important parameter of alumina sheet. To measure the flatness, it is necessary to measure the height at both ends of the plate and then measure the middle height, and determine the flatness by calculating the height difference. If the flatness does not meet the requirements, it will affect the processing and installation of subsequent work.

2, check the length: the length of the aluminum oxide plate needs to be consistent with the size of the product design drawings. Use a ruler or tolerance gauge to measure the entire length of the sheet to ensure that the length does not exceed the standard error range.

3, check the width: use a ruler or tolerance gauge to detect the width of the aluminum oxide plate, the width should be consistent with the production requirements, can not exceed the standard error range.

4, check the thickness: the use of micro measuring instrument, calipers and other tools for testing to ensure that the thickness of the plate meets the standard requirements.

5, check the surface quality: check whether there are scratches or dents on the surface of the plate, and the surface shows the required lines to ensure product quality.

4. Precautions for dimensional inspection

1, before the inspection to keep the surface of the plate clean and smooth, to avoid affecting the test results.

2, the inspectors should be proficient in measuring methods and operating procedures to ensure that the measurement results are accurate.

3, in the manual measurement, it is necessary to pay attention to reduce the error caused by the measurement tool to ensure the accuracy of the measurement.

4, after the inspection to carefully record the measurement data, and timely summary, summary and comparison data, to check whether there are problems, timely adjustment of the production process.

In summary, the size inspection of aluminum oxide plate is an important link in the production process, and it is checked in strict accordance with the standard requirements, which can not only ensure product quality, but also improve production efficiency. In the future production and product application, whether the product size is accurate and meets the standard requirements will directly affect the use effect and service life of the product.